Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Lets start over...

It's been two year since my last blog post! :o  I'm now a busy mom of 3 little ones.  Yes it's hard work but it's worth it! I love my kiddos!  September is coming up and that is a big month for our family because all the kids have birthdays! K is turning 5, Z is turning 3, and T is turning 1. 

I've already started work on a project for K.  I finally caved and bought him a lego set. (I hope I don't regret that) I wanted to have a space just for him to build his creations and hopefully keep his legos off the floor. Of course I went to pinterest for ideas.  I looked up diy lego tables and found the following website...  http://fussymonkeybiz.blogspot.ca/2013/07/lego-table.html I instantly loved it! I thought it would be hard to find a weird old table like the one she used so I kept on searching.  Later on that day, while on facebook, I saw that a friend of mine was selling that exact same table for $15! I hurried and snatched it up.  I couldn't believe how lucky I was :)  I don't do many diy projects so I don't own a saw to cut the top for the basket so I asked a friend for help.  The table is currently at her house while she cuts the hole, possibly sands it, and applies a primer. Then i'll get it back and spray paint it blue. (K's favorite color of course!)  I am so thankful for her help! 

Z is a lot easier to buy gifts for.  She just loves Peppa Pig and Hello Kitty.  I ordered her the cutest Peppa dress and necklace/bracelet set off wish.com.  It takes a few weeks to get it since its from China but I think she will love it!  I also ordered her some play pots, pans, and stove because she likes pretending to cook food.  She is pretty easy to please.

I still haven't bought T anything.  I know that sounds bad lol. I haven't forgotten about him. There is a kids consignment opening in September so i'm hoping to find him a few toys there. I just hate spending a lot of money on a toy he will only use a few months. Toys are so expensive now days! 

Now I have most the gifts figured out I just need to plan a little party.  Camille thinks I should have a paint war for K and Z. I think they would definitely enjoy it, but it's hard work making all the paint and stuff.  I need to make a decision soon but I am procrastinating haha. I think i'm going to try to make the cakes and maybe for T's bday party we can do cupcakes.  I can guarantee that we will be sick of cake by the end of september lol.  

As of right now, I only have 1 follower, Hi Camille!!!!!!! So maybe by the end of the week I can have 2??! lol I'm hoping to keep up with this blog and share my ideas and experiences with my family and also share cool products that I get to try for free from bzzagent. 

Well, ta ta for now!


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