Thursday, January 7, 2016

emails will be the death of me

Today was the kids first day back to school.  I came home and T fell right to sleep. I had a decision to make, what was I going to do for 4 hours while the kids were at school.  I decided to get on the computer for a little bit...bad....bad decision! As I was looking at my emails I look over to see how many I have.  I about died when I read 22,000! What?! 22,000?  How could I have that many? Why do I have that many? So needless to say, for the past 2 hours I have been deleting emails.  I am now down to 6500. Still a lot but hopefully soon I will get it under control.  I realized I have way too many subscriptions and I had junk emails from 2011 lol
This brings me to my next thought...

I have started the 40 bags in 40 days challenge!  Basically its to get rid of crap you don't need in your house by donating it or throwing it away and organizing your house.  I am on day 3.  The first day I cleared my dresser and got a bag of trash and a bag of donations.  The second day I got 2 bags of donations and a bag of trash from just going through some laundry baskets we had laying around my room. Today I have already purged my email (yes, that counts!) and I will also finish picking up the floor in my room.  So far I have even had help from the kids! Z and K both have loved helping me, so far lol.  Z is also (almost) potty trained! YAY! Now if we can just get her to #2 in the potty that would be great. Anyway, I need to go get something done. Peace out.

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